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United States Canada 2026 Winter Outlook Predictions
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  2025 Winter Predictions

 United States - Alaska - Canada




Predictions - Utilizing 

ClimatePulse Technology Developed by GWO
                             Electromagnetic Interactions of the Earth-Moon-Sun
  2026 Winter Predictions    
November 2025 into March 2026
United States  - Alaska - Canada         


What to Expect
                                                2025-26 Winter Prediction
Press Release -Major Weather Pattern Change for 2025  here
         Detailed 2026 Outlook - Available in the Store        click here
Temperatures - Snow - Precipitation
Professor Dilley's Winter Prediction
 Coldest Blasts of Arctic Air in 40-Years                     
  Obtain Full Predictions  click here



Major Changes Coming !

Powerful New Video by Professor Dilley
Released February 2023
Explains Climate Cycles and Carbon Dioxide Mis-Information
View here
Big Climate Change Transition
in 2029-30
Leaving    -  Global Warming   Cycle #6 
Entering  -   Global Cooling      Cycle #6 
(cycles past 1,200 years)
Global Warming and Cooling Cycles
Begin at the Poles - End at the Poles 


1.  2022   Greenland summer of 2022
2.  2022   Arctic summer and spring   - Coldest on Record 

32022  Antarctic winter - Coldest on Record
4.  2022   Southern Hemisphere                       Full Report  -  here 
  • Strongest on Record - Atmosphere's Stratospheric Cooling
5.  2021   3rd Coldest January and February on Record
  • Alaska into Central and Northern Canada to Greenland
6.  2024   Strong La Nina - New " Pacific Ocean - Cold Phase Cycle"
  •  Dangerous Global Cooling from 2023 through 2085
7.  2022   Global Temperatures - Currently Near Normal
  • at Ending Stage of a Global Warming Cycle
  • Explained in Professor Dilley's Video - here


8.  2022   Global Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - Full Report here
  • Close to Normal for Current 120,000 Year Cycle
  • Rise since 1850 is 80% Natural Carbon Dioxide
  • Rise in Carbon Dioxide has not Changed the Climate
2022 Winter Outlook and Beyond
   Press Release:   read here

Powerful New Presentation

by Professor Dilley


Presents Proof 


Rise in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide


"nearly 80% Natural"

Based On:  Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

and Professor Dilley's Research


Contact Pressor Dilley to Arrange An In-Person Talk

Invite Prof. Dilley  here




Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide

Major Errors in Measurements Found

Is it Changing the Earth's Atmosphere and Climate?


                          Climate Prediction - 2023 through 2065

                          Sea Level Prediction - 2025 to 2090

   Climate Change Disaster Coming - and we are not prepared

                   Why Sea Levels Will Not Rise after 2025

                                     view here

2023 Winter and Beyond  -  Major Changes Coming !
Global Cooling is Coming - Big Time !
 Based On GWO's  -  ClimatePulse Technology
 Electromagnetic Interactions of the Earth-Moon-Sun
 and the Solar Maunder Minimum 


As Predicted in the 2009 and 2012 Ebook
Earth's Natural Climate Pulse
Transitioning to Global Cooling
 Full Global Cooling in 2024 and Beyond
It is Here - 50 to 100 Year Global Cooling Cycle Almost Here ! 

    GWO's Climate Pulse Technology incorporates several factors for determining winter weather for the

     United States - Alaska - Canada - Europe.  The severity - or non severity of the 2020 winter (November

     2019 through March 2020)  is based on the Natural Climate Pulse similarities to past years, the 230-year

     Global Cooling Cycles and the associated cooling of the Arctic and Antarctic, the expanding extent of

     Artic ice, positions of semi-permanent weather features such as the position and strength of the Aleutian

     Low pressure center - Pacific High Pressure Center -  European storm track - position and strength of the

     North Atlantic High and Low pressure centers,  and the presence or non-presence of an El Nino or La Nina. 

High Latitude Regions Now Turning much Colder in 2020-2024
Greenland - Canada Alaska to Russia
Bering Sea Alaska - Russia now normal ice extent
A Strong 2023-24 La Nina and a new "Cold Pacific Ocean Phase" will usher in Dangerous Global Cooling from 2024 through 2065
  1.   ​Overview:   Predictions Based On

 The global climate pattern is now transitioning from a global warming cycle

 (2000 through 2015) to a global cooling long-term cycle.  Both the Arctic and Antarctic

 entered the next global cooling cycle and are now cooling dramatically.

 The Greenland ice pack has made a dramatic turn about during the past 2 years

 (2018 and 2019) with the ice now becoming thicker.

 Due to the 2015-16 El Niño, sea ice diminished in the western Arctic near Alaska and 

 Euro-Straights region near Iceland.  The ice diminished during late 2015 into 2016 - then

 began thickening again as the Arctic to Greenland area became colder during 2018 and 2019.  


In response to the cooling caused by the gravitational induced ClimatePulse and the Solar Maunder

Minimum, sea ice extent and thickness is now expanding - and this had a direct influence on

the very cold Polar Vortex outbreaks that have occurred the past two winters.  Although they were

brief - they will become longer in duration in 2020 and beyond.  Thus earth is transitioning to a

colder climate.

The sun has entered a cooler phase - hence conditions much like the period from the

1940s through the 1970s will alter the warm temperatures experienced during the period from
about 2000 to 2016. 


 2.   El Nino or La Nina - will there be one or not. 
 GWO has the best Predictions 10-Years Running

Cyclical 2 to 5 year occurrences of an El Niño or La Niña typically changes weather patterns

(refer to the El Niño page for more information click here.  Some regions will be wetter than normal, some drier.  Some regions will be warmer than normal, some colder than normal. 


The Arctic Region tends to be warmer than normal during an El Niño and/or Natural Global Warming Cycles - these events cause weather patterns that force warmer air into the Arctic

and across northern latitudes - thus Arctic ice melting occurs. 

The Arctic tends to be much colder during La Niña and  Neutral Conditions, and during Global

Cooling Cycles (see below)

​ 3.   Stalled Weather Patterns - Changes in the Cycles 2017 and Beyond

GWO has found that many weather patterns exhibit recurring cycles

with some major cycles occurring approximately every 3 to 5 years, 18 years,

23 years, 72 years and 220 years.

The California drought - warm weather Globally - wet conditions, hurricane landfalls,

floods, are all part of these cycles.


Changing Cycles: GWO is predicting major changes in the upcoming years as

past cycles re-enter the weather patterns - thus changing Global Winters Drastically.

  4. ​Climate Pulse Overview: 

As discussed in Mr. Dilley's eBook (Earth's Natural Climate Pulse) that can be read free of charge in the Climate Section, the period from about 1997 through 2012 was the second twin

peak of warm global temperatures (1930s was the first).  Twin warm temperature peaks are a       signature of all global warming cycles (5 in the past 1,000 years).  The cold winters in some regions of the world and the cooling now taking place in both the Arctic and Antarctic signals the ending of the current global warming cycle.  Every global warming cycle comes like clockwork about every 216 years, and also ends like clockwork.  Rapid cooling of the high Arctic in 2013 and 2014 denotes the ending of the global warming cycle.  Next cycle will be in about 120 years.

Ever since planet Earth was created about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been exposed to natural       processes and forcing mechanisms within the solar system and earth. During the course of       millions of years, the interaction of these processes has implemented a natural climate and       planetary rhythm.  These rhythms include but are not limited to:  day and night, the four annual  seasons and weather events during the particular season, short-term climate fluctuations and oscillations within the seasons, and long-term climate change cycles such as glacial periods which occur approximately every 120 thousand years.


The gravitational cycles of the moon and sun cause the seasonal tilts of the earth's axis and the 4   seasons.  The strong gravitational pull of the moon causes a bulge to form in the center of the 5     oceans.  As the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis daily, the moon rises and falls in the       sky.  This causes dramatic changes to the gravitational pull, with increases and decreases      occurring during the daily cycle.  This causes a gravitational pulse which in turn causes an       interactive plunging action on the ocean's bulge, thus producing the twice daily ocean tides.  The gravitational tides are also noticed in the earth's atmosphere, and in lower depths of       the ocean.

The daily rotation of the earth provides the twice daily tides, and the 27.5 day elliptical path of the moon around the earth provides a monthly and bi-monthly  gravitational pulse.  The cycles then extend out in time as the elliptical path of the earth around the sun, and the moon around the earth cyclical change from one month to the next, every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years and beyond.  The earths 130 thousand year elliptical path is well documented in science and is proven to be the cause for the earth's inter-glacial (warm) as the earth swings in closer to the sun, and glacial periods (cold)  that occur every 130 thousand years as the earth  wings further away from the sun.  The current warm inter-glacial period peaked about 7 thousand  years ago, and the peak of the next glacial period will be 70 to 110 thousand years from now.

The Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) for climate change is the combination of the elliptical paths of the   moon and earth, changes in solar radiation and changes in the gravitational pulses and electromagnetic       pulses.  The PFM cycles control the Earth's "Natural Climate Pulse", and it is this Natural Pulse that controls       weather and climate cycles here on earth.  

The earth's climate is very complex and very cyclical due to the PFM Natural Climate Pulse interacting with     the oceans, atmosphere and inner/outer cores of earth.  The high and low tides of the oceans alternate       approximately every 6 hours, and ocean tides and some currents change with the PFM cycles.   Above the       surface of the Earth is the atmosphere which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gases which move fluidly around the planet.  The flow of these atmospheric gases are caused by the rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere and ground by the sun, proximity of mountain ranges and water bodies  such as oceans, and forcing mechanisms such as gravitational tides caused by the PFM cycles,


Earth's temperature changes seasonally due to the seasonal tilt of the earth, with longer term cycles due to       the PFM Natural Pulse cycles every 10-years, 230 years and 130 thousand years.  Carbon dioxide concentrations are a naturally occurring cycle connected to the short-term global warming cycles that occur approximately every 230 years, and the longer term 130 thousand year glacial and inter-glacial cycles. The eBook written by Mr. Dilley of GWO (avalable on the Natural Pulse Page) illustrates that earth's current temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are perfectly normal for global  warming cycle that was occurring up to the year 2012 (now beginning to slip into global cooling for the next 150  years).

GWO’s nineteen (19) years of ongoing research uses a combination of Meteorology, Oceanography, Climatology,  Geology and Astronomy along with extensive historical weather and climate data to develop  techniques for climate prediction. The most significant discovery was that of the Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) which is highly correlated to short-term climate cycles. The combination resulted in the  development of prediction models formulated from a subset of  the scientifically proven "Milankovitch" cycles of the  earth, moon and sun.  

Real Picture moon-earth-sun ClimatePluse

Snow Prediction for 2018

   Click Graphics to Enlarge

Snow Prediction for 2017

Precipitation - Winter 2016

Snow - Winter 2016

   Click Graphics to Enlarge

        Winter  2014-15

Prediction - Temperatures


Climate Change Speaker Click Here

         Winter  2014-15

   Prediction - Precipitation

  Winter  2014-15

Prediction - Snow

                          Dynamic TV Interview - CEO David Dilley - Global Weather Oscillations Inc.

                                                                             - called -

                                                      "a must see from beginning to end"

                           by the world famous "notrickszone, climatedepot and iceagenow"

                                           TV Interview August 2015 - David Dilley, CEO Global Weather Oscillations Inc.


                                            Is Climate Change Dangerous ?  -  information you have never seen before

                                                                                      Surprising Conclusion

                                                                                    YouTube link:   click here



A dynamic 45 minute interview and presentation by David Dilley, former NOAA Meteorologist and current CEO and senior research scientist - Global Weather Oscillations, Inc.

Mr. Dilley gives a presentation on Mind Your Own Business TV with Debi Davis.  The presentation provides the viewer a full picture and understanding of climate change cycles and carbon dioxide cycles.  Mr. Dilley combines his own research with peer reviewed research from other scientists and applies it to what is happening today, and to the likely dangerous climate change that will occur between the years 2019 to 2050.

Climate Overview:

Ever since planet Earth was created about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been exposed to natural processes and forcing mechanisms within the solar system and earth. During the course of millions of years, the interaction of these processes has implemented a natural climate and planetary rhythm.  These rhythms include but are not limited to:  day and night, the four annual seasons and weather events during the particular season, short-term climate fluctuations and oscillations within the seasons, and long-term climate change cycles such as glacial periods which occur approximately every 120 thousand years.

The gravitational cycles of the moon and sun cause the seasonal tilts of the earth's axis and the 4 seasons.  The strong gravitational pull of the moon causes a bulge to form in the center of the 5 oceans.  As the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis daily, the moon rises and falls in the sky.  This causes dramatic changes to the gravitational pull, with increases and decreases occurring during the daily cycle.  This causes a gravitational pulse which in turn causes an interactive plunging action on the ocean's bulge, thus producing the twice daily ocean tides. The gravitational tides are also noticed in the earth's atmosphere, and in lower depths of the ocean.

The daily rotation of the earth provides the twice daily tides, and the 27.5 day elliptical path of the moon around the earth provides a monthly and bi-monthly  gravitational pulse.  The cycles then extend out in time as the elliptical path of the earth around the sun, and the moon around the earth cyclical change from one month to the next, every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years and beyond.  The earths 130 thousand year elliptical path is well documented in science and is proven to be the cause for the earth's inter-glacial (warm) as the earth swings in closer to the sun, and glacial periods (cold)  that occur every 130 thousand years as the earth swings further away from the sun.  The current warm inter-glacial period peaked about 7 thousand years ago, and the peak of the next glacial period will be 70 to 110 thousand years from now.

The earth's climate is very complex and very cyclical due to the PFM Natural Climate Pulse interacting with the oceans, atmosphere and inner/outer cores of earth.  The high and low tides of the oceans alternate approximately every 6 hours, and ocean tides and some currents change with the PFM cycles.   Above the surface of the Earth is the atmosphere which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gases which move fluidly around the planet.  The flow of these atmospheric gases are caused by the rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere and ground by the sun, proximity of mountain ranges and water bodies such as oceans, and forcing mechanisms such as gravitational tides caused by the PFM cycles  

Earth's temperature changes seasonally due to the seasonal tilt of the earth, with longer term cycles due to the PFM Natural Pulse cycles every 10-years, 230 years and 130 thousand years. Carbon dioxide concentrations are a naturally occurring cycle connected to the short-term global warming cycles that occur approximately every 230 years, and the longer term 130 thousand year glacial and inter-glacial cycles. The eBook written by Mr. Dilley of GWO (avalable on the Natural Pulse Page) illustrates that earth's current temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are perfectly normal for global warming cycle that was occurring up to the year 2012 (now beginning to slip into global cooling for the next 150 years).

GWO’s nineteen (19) years of ongoing research uses a combination of Meteorology, Oceanography, Climatology, Geology and Astronomy along with extensive historical weather and climate data to develop techniques for climate prediction.

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