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GWO's Climate Pulse Technology - *CPT

                       Patent Pending

GWO's Capabilities and Prediction Models

GWO is a leading research company in the field of Natural Cycles, and the "only" company utilizing (patent pending) Climate Pulse Technology (*CPT) for accurate hurricane cycle predictions extending out 4 years into the future.

GWO provides accurate long range climate planning forecasts based on the "PFM"  Primary Forcing Mechanism that controls the Earth's Natural Climate Pulse.   Discovered and researched by Mr. Dilley of GWO, the "PFM" and the Earth's Natural Climate Pulse *CPT are the triggering mechanisms that control recurring cycles of the El Niño, regional hurricane landfalls, regional historical floods, climate change cycles, and other weather/climate cycles such as seasonal hurricane - typhoon tracks and landfalls.

GWO’s *CPT climate prediction models incorporate historical weather/climate data and the PFM cycles for determination of historical and future analog years (historical event years similar to one in a future year). 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Predicton Accuracy

GWO's predictions models are proven accurate in determining tropical cyclone landfall cycles.
In 2009, a full 16 months before the 2011 hurricane season, GWO predicted a major impact storm would strike Zone 1 (Long Island, NY and the southern New England coasts) during the 2011 hurricane season.  The storm was called Hurricane Irene in 2011.  Also in 2009, GWO predicted another major storm would strike the Northeast States in 2012 and it would likely be a "Hybrid Hurricane.  The prediction was nearly 3 years in advance of the storm, and it ended up being called "Super Storm Sandy".

During the past 8 hurricane seasons, GWO has a near 90% "Hot Spot" accuracy for predicting which of the 11 United States prediction zones will experience tropical cyclone activity.

                                          GWO  ​​Correctly Predicted - 1 to 3 Years in Advance
                                                               2008  Hurricane Ike
                                                               2009  El Nino - No Hurricane Strikes
                                                               2011  the Great Mississippi River Flood
                                                               2011  Hurricane Irene
                                                               2012  Hurricane Issac
                                                               2012  Hurricane Sandy
                                                               2013  California Earthquake ?
                                                               2013  Quieter Atlantic Basin hurricane season with

                                                                          no United States landfalls

                                                               2014  "No" El Nino

                                                                          Hurricane Arthur (coastal hugger)

                                                               2015  Predicted 10 named storms - there were 10

                                                                          Predicted at least 2 named storms making U.S. landfall - there were 2

                                                              2016   Coastal Hugger Hurricane Mathew

                                                              2017   Category 3-4 Hurricane Irma Florida

                                                                                                  Hurricane Harvey Texas

                                                                                                  Hurricane Nate Upper Gulf  

​Services Provided by GWO

1 .   Hurricane, Typhoon and Tropical Storm Predictions ... 4 Years into the Future

2.    Hurricane, Tropical Storm and Major Hurricane Predictions for
       11 United States coastal hurricane zones from Maine to Texas
       Near 90% "hot zone" forecast accuracy​ 


       Expanding to the Philippine Islands in 2014 with more western Pacific prediction zones to follow
3.    Risk planning for insurance and Reinsurance companies, and other
       companies and institutions which require long-range risk and
       response planning.

3.   El Niño predictions 1 to 10 years in advance.

4.   Regional Earthquake predictions for major earthquakes 1 to 25 years in advance

5.   Natural Cycle Predictions

6.   Climate Change Global Warming and Global Cooling predicitions of Natural Cycles

7.   Climate Change Speakers, "Earth's Natural Climate Pulse"

8.   Regional Drought forecasts 1 to 10 years in advance

9.   GWO Prepares Specialized Forecasts for" contact us for more information

10  Regional historical flood​ predictions for historical events.

11  Presentations on Earth's Natural Climate Pulse - climate change and carbon dioxide cycles.

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